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How to Convert PDF to Word without Losing Formatting

What to Know

  • Open the PDF file in Adobe Acrobat, select Export PDF, and choose Microsoft Word as the conversion option. Customize the conversion settings, hit Export to convert the PDF to Word, and review and edit your converted file.
How to Convert PDF to Word without Losing Formatting
Convert PDF to Word without Losing Formatting

Do you frequently struggle to convert PDF files to Word documents without losing formatting?

Have you ever spent hours after converting a PDF to a Word document, editing and reformatting it? You’re not alone if you’re nodding your head in agreement! Many have faced this vexing challenge in their professional or academic lives.

Fortunately, there are tools available that can help you convert PDF to Word without losing formatting. Lucky for you, in this blog post, I’ll show you how you can convert PDF to Word while retaining the original layout and document formatting.

So, whether you’re a student looking to convert a research paper from PDF to Word, or a business professional who needs to convert a contract or proposal, we’ve got you covered.

How to Convert PDF to Word without Losing Formatting

In this guide, you’ll learn two ways to convert PDF to Word without losing formatting by following our step-by-step instructions.

Let’s get started.

Method #1: Convert PDF to Word without losing formatting using Adobe Acrobat

Adobe Acrobat is a powerful Adobe product that offers a range of features for working with PDF files. Among these features is the ability to create, read, edit, and convert PDF files to Word format without compromising the original formatting.

Here’s how to convert a PDF to Word without losing formatting:

Step 1: Open Adobe Acrobat

The first step is to launch Adobe Acrobat. If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer, you can download it from the official Adobe website. Once you’ve installed it, open the program.

Step 2: Open Your PDF File

Then, you need to open the PDF file you want to convert to Word format. Go to “File” and click “Open” to select the PDF file you want to convert to Word without changing the format.

Step 3: Choose the Conversion Option

After opening your PDF file, go to “Export PDF” and select “Microsoft Word” and “Word Document” as the export format. Then click the “Settings” icon. It will bring up the conversion settings menu.

Step 4: Customize the Conversion Settings

In the “Save As DOCX Settings” menu, you can customize the conversion settings to preserve the formatting. Select “Retain Page Layout” to ensure the layout remains the same. You can also select “Include Comments and Images” if there are any and “Recognize text if needed” and click OK.

Step 5: Convert the PDF to Word

After customizing the conversion settings, click the “Export” button and choose the location to save the converted PDF file. Select the “Save” button. Adobe Acrobat will convert your PDF file to Word format while retaining the formatting.

Once the conversion is complete, you’ll notice that the formatting has been preserved.

Method #2: Convert PDF to Word without Losing Formatting Online.

Step 1: Choose a reliable online PDF to Word converter

There are several online PDF to Word converters available on the internet, but not all are the same. Choose a reliable converter to ensure no formatting is lost during the conversion process. Some of the popular options include iLovePDF, Smallpdf, and Adobe Acrobat.

Step 2: Upload the PDF file

Once you have chosen a reliable online PDF to Word converter, the next step is to upload the PDF file. Most online converters have a simple drag-and-drop interface, which makes it easy to upload files. Or you can also click on the ‘Upload‘ button to select the file from your computer.

Step 3: Start the conversion process

After uploading the file, the next step is to start the conversion process. It usually involves clicking on the ‘Convert‘ button. It will take some time to convert a PDF file to Word format, depending on the size of the file and the speed of your internet connection.

Step 4: Download the Word file

Once the conversion process is complete, download the Word file. Select the ‘Download Word file‘ or ‘Download DOCX file‘ option. It will ensure to keep the formatting during the conversion process.

Step 5: Check the formatting

Before making any changes to the Word file, it’s necessary to check the formatting. Check that all the headings, paragraphs, images, and tables are in the correct order. If you notice any issues with the formatting/layout, you can always go back and repeat the conversion process.